TABERNACLE, Home for Christian prayer
The US Review
Tabernacle: Living in Power Through Abiding Prayer
by Timothy C. Dunlap
reviewed by Donna Ford
"Loving Him is also taking the journey into the promised land of these temple experiences."
The author has written a well-researched apologetic that makes the case for Christian holiness through abiding prayer. Dunlap claims this to be a timely, prophetic declaration of how to worship God. The blood sacrifices required of the Hebrews in the Tabernacle of the Old Testament are a "type" that foreshadowed the atoning value of Jesus Christ's blood. Dunlap identifies pieces of Tabernacle furniture as a New Testament "antitype" that prophetically explains how God wishes to work today with believers in their prayer closets. "Private prayer, abiding oneness, is hard work, sometimes bewildering, and seldom taught with the aid of the Bible." Abiding oneness became available to a believer when the veil of the Temple was rent at Christ's death. This book is dedicated to Private Prayer teachers.
Dunlap proposes that Christ's blood is reserved in the believer's heart and is continually being smeared (anointed) on his/her head and hands to be used in abiding prayer. The believer's body is the New Testament temple. The believer's head represents both the Ark of the Covenant and its lid, called the Mercy Seat; the hands represent the Cherubim wings; and the heart represents the Brazen Altar. The 272-page e-book includes line art that illustrates furniture of the Tabernacle. There are seven Addendums to explain related terms and practical application, such as praying with raised hands. Dunlap backs his research with references from works of respected Church scholars including Matthew Henry, Kenneth Weust, James Strong, and John Walvoord, along with quotes about prayer from Oswald Chambers and Andrew Murray. Admirably, this apologetic draws attention to the need for prayer. Some readers may not care for the apologist's tone used to make a point.
Book Review Buzz
Religion/Spiritual Growth – The Tabernacle
Published by bookreviewbuzz on June 28, 2014
The TabernacleBy Timothy C. Dunlap
ISBN: 978-0-578-07464-1
Published: June 2014
Pages: 272
Genre: Religion, Spiritual Growth
Formats Available For Review: mobi, (Paperback)
Most of us desire to know God more intimately, and to become empowered to live more effectively. We’re weary of being overcome by the pressures of our difficult age. We desire to reclaim the powerful days of our conversion, and those moments the Holy Spirit fell upon us – but sadly, we’ve become a nation other than those people in those days.
This book will bring you back into the empowering life God intends you to live out. He wants you to experience His power daily, just like those early years He showered you with spiritual ecstasy.
Our Bibles, though mysterious in many ways, are our present hope! The “Handbook to bible study” reminds us that some books of the Bible are “… difficult to interpret. …baffled many through the centuries… Yet it is the very presence of certain literary features that gives us clues to enable us to decode the book successfully. One must always operate in Bible study with the assumption that God intends the Book to be understood. Somewhere within it must be materials to help with the difficult parts, since it is self-interpreting. …”
“The Tabernacle” is one of those literary features that give us clues to enable us to decode God’s plan for abiding in His presence, and to understand why the Bible teaches empowering dynamics of private praying to Him.
Jalynn Patterson's Reviews > The Tabernacle
By Jalynn Patterson
4.0 out of 5 stars The Tabernacle July 28, 2014
...My Review:
The Tabernacle, is a great teaching tool, it dictates a path to a better prayer life.The author not only shows you how it is a command from God but also how to obtain it. While this is a good commentary on interpreting the Bible and how to have a more thorough Bible study, I believe you shouldn't use it as a stand alone study. The author brings about many good points and a thorough understanding of the Bible should be one of our main focuses as a Christian.
While the author has shown a proper amount of research, I found his work to be very cerebral to my understanding. He seemed to be everywhere and difficult to follow. Some may enjoy that type of writing but I didn't. But with all that be said, he did provide many valid points that are worth looking into.
**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge for my honest review from Bostick Communications.